Author – Michael Conroy Business Development Strategist
Making An Impact in the Community
Sixty years ago, Jack and Joan Conroy piled up their car with all their belongings and a one-year-old baby and began the week adventure from Chicago, Illinois to Naples, Florida. Together, the three of them bounced along the dirt road of US 41, in for the change of a lifetime. Shifting from the hustle and bustle of Chicago and New York City, their two previous homes, to the sleepy fishing village of Naples was a change they couldn’t fathom until it was experienced. As they drove up to Naples’ only streetlight at 9th St and 5th Ave S, they knew this life on the coast of the gulf wouldn’t be the same as the coast of Lake Michigan.
While the timing of my grandparent’s trek down to Naples might be sooner than most, their love of this city is consistent with all who have come across it since. There is no doubt that Naples is one of the most special places in the country. While the white sandy beaches, blue warm gulf and vibrant tasty restaurants play a major role in our success, it’s the people in the community that put it above all else. Naples isn’t defined by its tourist attractions. Naples is defined by the engaged community that aims to make the area the best version of itself.
A strong community is one that combines its resources and its people to create a better tomorrow.
Four years ago, as I was beginning my search for a professional career, I was drawn back to my hometown of Naples. When I was contemplating my decision, a company’s commitment to the surrounding community was a major factor in my direction. At PBS Contractors, our team is encouraged to create an impact on the community. Our 13th Fundamental states “Work Hard, but Remember, There’s More to Life.” We need to wake up daily feeling as though we are making a difference in the world. At PBS, we certainly feel like we apart of something bigger than ourselves.
Today, I get the opportunity to speak to FGCU Business Ethics students each year. During the semester, a few of the college students come to our offices as we talk about our business ethics at PBS. My message is always the same: find a company where your beliefs and theirs align. Do not settle for anything less. I’m certainly fortunate to feel the synergy between my beliefs and the company I work with every day.
Through the leadership programs put on by the Greater Naples Chamber, ten members of our team have the privilege to learn from local leaders about the history, challenges, and future potential of the county. While it is important to learn about these aspects of our home, the program combines the talents of like-minded people in the area to help you accomplish the goals of the community.
For me, as a young professional who grew up in the community, it brings me such great joy to see the younger generation of adults so connected and focused on growing the community. With the sense of pride and devotion to Southwest Florida and the people in it, I truly feel like we will make our community the best version of itself.
Whether you’ve been here sixty years or six months, we all have to the opportunity to leave a legacy. Let’s make an impact together.