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Be Prepared for Hurricane Season

It is very easy to let our guard down when it comes to approaching storms.  Most do little or no damage and turn out to be nothing more than a minor inconvenience.  But, as we learned last year with Ian and 6 years ago with Irma, we cannot get complacent when it comes to the weather.  

Just as a refresher, here are some things to keep in mind with the peak of hurricane season approaching: 

  • Keep your vehicles at least half full of fuel at all times. 
  • Put fresh batteries in your flashlights and be sure they are readily accessible in a power outage. 
  • Stock up on children’s and pet supplies 
  • The first 3 – 5 days after a storm emergency supplies may not be available.  Keep your emergency kits full: 


             *Non-perishable food 

             *Prescription medications 

             *First aid supplies 

             *Matches or lighter 

  • Place important papers in plastic, waterproof bags (insurance, passports, etc). 
  • Keep important phone numbers available (insurance company, doctors, family members). 
  • Have some cash on hand (many places can’t accept credit cards on emergency power or without internet). 
  • Keep car chargers for cell phones handy. 
  • Test your generators, keep fuel available. 

 Don’t be caught unprepared!  Keep your eyes out for news alerts and warnings, and heed what authorities tell you.  You will never regret being too prepared. 

For additional preparedness tips, be sure to read more about hurricane season here